Friday 13 July 2012

Do you know Hindi?No :/ Aren't you Indian?

You might have guessed it from the title but for the ones who didn't understood what I meant,here we go.North Indians are UNEDUCATED,NESCIENT,UNLETTERED,IGNORANT fools who think that uh(Hear it,your ass may start laughing) HINDI is the National language of India.I mean look at them,straight on those anti nationalists who aren't aware of Indian rules still proclaiming to be Indians.They are a shame to our country.You know why,they fucking don't know that India doesn't have a National language.

Now this is how the conversation with a typical Northie goes


You:How are you?
Northie:Fine Reeeee(God knows WTF is this so called REEE)

Northie:Do you know Hindi?

Northie:Why?Aren't you Indian?
You:Yes I'm.
Northie:Areeeeeeeeeee Indian and you don't know Hindi?It's our National language.
You:Oh,so what I've heard is right.
You:That Northies are ignorant fools who proclaims themselves to be Indians and don't know a shit about India?
Northie: :(

C'mon,Aren't they true Indians?Why do they act like foreigners?Even the white boy knows that India is a land of diversities and these Northies don't know about it?Why?I'm forced to conclude that they are too untaught but as a proud Indian,they should know about the languages in India.

 Whoa Whoa Whoa!Here is one Northie bending backwards to prove that Hindi is the official language of India.Holy shit!India would be too better without them as one of the leaders said but anyhow I do consider any Indians(North,South,East or West) with knowledge about India as my brothers.There are 22 official languages in India.Then what is Hindi?

Hindi is just a
regional language of the people living in Northern part of India.

An important message to all North Indians.If you are thinking about coming to any of the South Indian states.Learn the regional language used by them and if you are going to North East learn their language and yes you should learn languages like Marathi,Gujarati if you are thinking about moving to West India.

Monday 2 April 2012

Delhi a big city?

So yeah the so called Capital of India,Delhi as Northie beggars brag is a big city in terms of development or in terms of the ugly people living there?Let's find out.

Let's say what the big guys has to say about Delhi.

Shobhaa DeWriter, social commentator
The uncouthness begins at the airport itself where some fifth-grade politician's cousin eight times removed will strut around with three attendants behind him and throw weight at the check-in counter. Delhi guys need one man to handle their cellphones, another to hold papers, a third to carry the overnighter. And here in Mumbai, even someone like Ratan Tata walks by himself and checks in at the counter. That tells you everything."

Girish KasaravalliAward-winning filmmaker
"I find Delhi very frightening. It has a very inhuman and arrogant look to it. I feel very insecure when I walk on the deserted streets of Lutyens' Delhi. The indifference of the place rubs on you when you walk in front of those huge sarkari bungalows. I am generally good at topography, but in Delhi nothing registers. It is a strange place that does not create a visual memory in my mind. I just can't read the place."

Kalyan RamanSpace scientist, telecom professional
"There is a void at the moral core of Dehi that is frightening. Even more than its fearful aspect, its brutalising effect is all-pervasive. It is not just the dodgy politicians but also that psychotic army of thin-faced, broad-belted, terylene-attired, bell-bottomed bad actors all over Central Delhi and visibly up to no good. These day-time migrants come from the badlands surrounding the city, preferring anonymous crime and petty larceny in the big city because they do not have the clout or the nerve to play the game at home. From here to the very top, there is collective reinforcement of a nihilist spirit, of moral bankruptcy

Theodore BaskaranHistorian, nature writer 
"It is not the climate or the infrastructure that keeps me off Delhi. It is the human factor. In office buildings, before people can come out of the lift, you see a group pushing to get in. This is symbolic of the Delhi ethos.... Their abysmal ignorance of the South confounds the situation. I did a one-year course in Delhi when the war in Sri Lanka was on; my coursemates thought that all the Tamils in Sri Lanka were immigrants from Tamil Nadu."

So that's all about Delhi.

In my opinion,those conservative white obsessed black beggars can't even spell or write so you got about people from Delhi.Now about the city,it's a big city only in terms of the number of slums :P it's not advanced.It's just half of people live in slums and don't have drinking water to survive.