North Indians are highly conservative.They are narrow minded people,I'm not just saying without a reason.Usually North Indians kill their children if they indulge in sex.I wonder why North Indians say their culture is so good.Does that mean they give importance to virginity more than a life?Are they low life assholes?How can they kill if a person just for having sex and the worst thing is they are proud of it.They call it honour killings.Have a look at this videos
See this video to understand how North Indian mom treat their children,they treat them like their slaves and look at this mom doing his daughters boyfriend,infront of respecting him,she is beating him.I wonder whether this lady is a mental patient.
Delhi-Capital of India.What are you thinking now?you are thinking about a large city which is advanced right?Erase that kids.Delhi maybe a metro but its just due to the number of people living there.Seems like they love fucking their pregnant wives again and again,but sorry boys,you won't get two boys if you fuck your pregnant wife LOL,leave that.Lets come to Delhi.Delhi is not an advanced city.Infrastructure in Delhi is too bad.Its untidy and it stinks to be honest.Now look at their roads.We call it Delhi lifestyle,they love defecating on public properties.Are they five year old boys?Hell NO!!!They are 25 year old big boys who wanna show their fart hole to the public.No wonder everyone hates Delhi guys.They stink.God know whether they wash their ass after shitting.Are Delhites good people?Well they are unreliable and arrogant.I mean look at their crime rates.Its much more than any other states in India.Who lives in Delhi?People who lives in Delhi are North Indian and something passed through my South,West Indian friend's mind,Aren't you searching for the suffix?Yeah people usually call them North Indian beggars and their is a reason of this.North Indians say Delhi is the most developed place in the world and for South Indians its a slum land and for South West Indians its dirty niggers land.So either way its awful and people love mocking them calling North Indian beggars.Now the real question is Are Delhi boys beggars and do they live in slum land?The answer is YES!!!Don't get too amazed to know the fact that 15 million people at Delhi live in slums.Now when we guys love chewing gums,What do Dilli boys do?Are they too poor to buy one?They spit pans in liters,So when you step your feet on the ground,make sure there is no pan.These guys mouth look ugly,My last word,they look like they have just eaten shit.I can't explain more than that.For Delhi beggars,Delhi is the best city in the world.Infact they don't know its worse,infact Delhi is worse than many other african underdeveloped places,I will say an example,Nigeria...Nigeria is cleaner than Delhi,I'm not kidding but its a fact.Delhi is so dirty and you will die out of suffocation if you are from some other developed states.Delhi is so over crowded with lot of beggars asking "Areee Areee money deno devo or some shits like that.Opps I forgot to mention something unique about Delhi beggars.They find it hard talking in English and that may be the reason for them to proclaim that Hindi is the National language of India which is actually not the National language.I can copy a conversation that take place in most of those chat rooms.
Delhi boy:Hi
Delhi boy:Teek hum...
Stranger:WTF is that language all about?
Delhi boy:Don't you know Hindi?
Stranger:Why should I learn Hindi,its your language and do you know Tamil,Malayalam or Kannada?
Delhi boy:But Hindi is our National language(SEE THIS,they are illiterate)
Stranger:I shouldn't have talked with a Delhi beggar,Fuck off bastard
Now most of those Delhites are poor.I said most of them but why do I feel like EVERYONE is poor there?Yeah due to the fact that even the richest one can travel in a LUNA!!!That's how Delhites live.They don't spend much,they love saving money so that they can burn it and smell those smoke when they die.Now lets check out Delhi again,Get your feets off from your car and you will instantly feel that you are cooking.Delhi is so hot and humid and too cold at winter.Worst climate...Okay that's not the end...Women at Delhi!!!If I was born as a women there at Delhi I would better change my gender as I will get gang raped soon.Delhi is not a safe city for women,there have been various cases of molesting females and I'm not gender based,If I was born as a male,I would rather cut my dick and sit there without anything because Delhites are so conservative that people don't have sex like they do in other parts of India,In North India people usually don't have sex before marriage and maybe be some of them say that's good but what if a guy have sex there at Delhi?Usually the guy will get beaten up by a bunch of gay boys or girls parents and brothers and they are like I killed that guy and I'm proud of it,these are honour killings and you guys don't want any proofs to understand the fact that Delhites are idiots and narrow minded people.Don't get too amazed if you see fishes swimming infront of high ways.Some roads are ponds and Delhites love splashing water and having a drive through roads full of water.Indians are usually white obsessed and what about Delhites?LOL they are really funny when it comes to beauty and skin color.In developed cities like Cochin,Goa etc people look for over all beauty.I will love selecting a girl if she is beautiful all over.Big boobs,Slim body,Nice hair,Nice ass and great dressing,that's it.I will never look for color of their skin but Delhi beggars are like if a girl is fair she is beautiful,its okay if she is fat,its okay if she is damn ugly,its okay even if she is the ugliest girl in the world but if she is fair,she is beautiful,I can't really stand these idiots...Now Are Delhites white?Indians find it hard accepting the fact that they are brown which I proud of but Dilli boys love saying we are whites and when real white guys call them motherfuckers,they are like you are black LOL,that's how Delhi people are.Actually people from Delhi are dark brown colored people who are white obsessed.Note WHITE OBSESSED and NOT WHITE ... Now you should see some pictures
Now this explains the word "Delhi beggars"
Delhi streets
Delhi streets are so crowded
Poor Delhites
Honour killings in Delhi(Seems like they are still living in stone age,bloody morons kill boys if they have sex,idiots..Pathetic culture)